Month: January 2013

Controlling temperature during live-cell imaging

A CONSTANT concern when imaging live cells in the laboratory is maintaining a survivable environment for the microscopic subjects. Now Okolab has introduced its T Plates to provide a steady temperature on the microscope stage. Said to be compatible with any…

Tailored automation of PCR setup and nucleic acid purification

THE LATEST Eppendorf automated pipetting systems are, says the company, uniquely tailored for PCR setup and nucleic acid purification. The EPMotion P5073 and M5073 simplify othwerwise complex and labour-intensive pipetting jobs, promising to save time and improve the reliability and…

3D cell building scaffold now shipping

THE FIRST commercial shipments of Alvetex Scaffold 96 well plates, which facilitate the growth of cell structures in 3D, were made in mid-December 2012 says Reinnervate. “The pent-up demand for Alvetex Scaffold in a 96 well format meant we immediately…