Regular exercise can help reduce RSI in the lab
ANYBODY who has worked in a lab for any length of time will be aware that pipetting increases the risk of developing Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI).
Risks can be reduced by applying Good Pipetting Practice (GPP) within the laboratory. Advice here includes reducing the repetition of pipetting, where possible, and to take breaks every 20 or 30 minutes to stretch shoulders, arms, and hands.
As part of Anachem’s GPP programme the company is offering a free Stretch Poster, which shows diagrams with instructions of the different ways lab workers can stretch to ensure that they shake off the stiffness and stress that accumulates after long hours at the laboratory bench.
Contact Anachem, and mention LabHomepage, for your free poster: email response@anachem.co.uk or telephone (UK) 01582 455135