Online calculator generates HPLC methods

A NEW online tool to generate HPLC and UHPLC methods has been unveilied by Phenomenex. Kinetex Calculator produces a method based on the running conditions that are entered online, which should provide an optimised result for users. It also calculates the improvements that can be expected by switching to Phenomenex’s Kinetex core-shell technology columns, offering predicted savings in solvent, time, and total costs over a cycle of 1000 samples.

The calculator incorporates all six Kinetex phases, including the new phenyl-hexyl chemistry, and will calculate a new gradient program to account for differences in column dimensions and adjustments in running conditions. Parameters including flow rate, column length, ID, and backpressure can be adjutsted and a revised optimised method quickly provided.

Kinetex Calculator can be accessed at

“This tool saves time, eliminates guess work, and gets users up and running with Kinetex”, says Jeremy Bierman, brand manager for Phenomenex. Kinetex is said to deliver significant improvements over fully porous columns, enabling chromatographers to get UHPLC results on any HPLC instrument.

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