THE NEW Thermo Scientific Automated Nucleic Acid Extraction WorkStation offers consistent, high-speed purifications by combining several Thermo Fisher tools into one turnkey package.

Automated Nucleic Acid Extraction WorkStation combines several Thermo instruments
Thermo says the workstation enables users to process samples from virtually any source, providing cost- and time-effective nucleic acid extraction with accuracy and sample integrity.
The system is suitable for a variety of downstream applications including sequencing, cloning, PCR, and qPCR, and allows instruments to be used in a complete workflow, alone or even interchanged while the system is running.
The system integrates Thermo Scientific Kingfisher Flex purification system, Multidrop Combi reagent dispenser, Alps 3000 microplate heat sealer, and Orbitor RS or Orbitor BenchTrak, with a number of other components including instruments drivers, storage hotels, and a waste station.
Controlled and monitored by the Thermo’s Momentum scheduling software, the workstation can be programmed for the simultaneous running of multiple processes.