Evaporators optimised for environmental research

MONITORING substances that are potentially harmful to health is a core activity for many organisations, including government agencies and private firms checking they are not harming their staff or the environment. Atmospheric, water, soil, and vegetable samples are routinely monitored for pesticides, polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and other substances.

Personal evaporator from Genevac makes environmental monitoring faster and more accurate

One difficulty routinely encountered is that pesticides are semi-volatile, and sample loss can occur during evaporation. This could affect the integrity of results when preparing samples such as fruit and vegetables for analysis.

Genevac says it EZ-2 Envi is specially designed for gentle evaporation of such samples, to give excellent pesticide recovery and reproducibility. The fully-automated system can concentrate several samples simultaneously, while providing protection from cross contamination and bumping.

For larger numbers or higher volumes, the Rocket Evaporator provides sample concentration in the environmental analytical laboratory. This gives enhanced recovery of analytes with lower inter-sample variability, and liberates staff for more productive tasks. Genevac’s SampleGenie technology enables large volumes to be concentrated directly into an autosampler vial, eliminating transfer between vessels and thereby improving both analytical accuracy and productivity.

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