INTEGRA has chosen the annual meeting of the Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening (SLAS) to launch its new 384-channel handheld electronic pipette.

Integra Voyager pipetes offer variable tip spacing
Capable of both 96- and 384-channel pipetting, the new Viaflo 384 is said to be ideal for laboratories seeking higher productivity in their microplate applications.
The Integra can be found on booth 520 at the SLAS 2013 meeting, held 12-16 January 2013 in Orlando, USA.
Among other liquid handling equipment on display from the company are a multifunctional rapid reagent dispenser and a new extended pipette tip for improved access to labware.
This new long GripTip is compatible with single, eight, twelve, and 16-channel Viaflo fixed spacing pipettes and 12-channel Voyager adjustable spacing pipettes. Its longer design gives improved access with 1.5ml tubes and deep well blocks, says Integra, as well as reducing cross-contamination in PCR (polymerase chain reaction) operations.