MALVERN Instruments has used a live webinar to complete the global roll-out of its Morphologi G3-ID particle characterisation system.

Morphologi G3-ID scans particle size, shape, and spectral properties
This online tutorial described the capabilities of the G3-ID, which combines automated particle imaging with the chemical identification of individual particles using Raman spectroscopy. It therefore examines the size, shape, and chemical identity of a particle in a single operation.
Malvern says the instrument solves complex particle characteriszation problems where size and shape alone do not provide enough information.
The company’s early access programme gave users the opportunity to explore specific applications, revealing that the determination of specific properties of components in mixtures, and the identification of unknown or suspicious particles, is particularly desirable.
It says Morphologi G3-ID is designed to meet a wide variety of needs and to enable all users, from particle characterisation scientists with limited spectroscopy experience right through to experienced spectrscopists, to gain an in-depth understanding of particulate samples.
A range of straightforward standard operating procedures (SOPs) take the user from simple dry powder analysis to the automatic selection, targeting and chemical identification of thousands of individual particles.